Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Inspiration Tuesday~ 12/31/19

I am sharing this bit of inspiration today to benefit your ideal direction.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right." ~Henry Ford
Refrain from living your concerns, fears, and worries by living out your bliss, joy, and satisfaction en route to accomplishing goals and achieving your dreams. Make great use of the inspirational activities around you and beyond you. Become inspired by the hard work of others for a successful conclusion, the sacrifices others have endured for successful outcomes, and the perseverance others have empowered through for successful results. Support your good emotions toward your own progress for similar conclusions, outcomes, results, and success.
"If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough." ~Oprah Winfrey
Reprogram your belief system to positively impact your abilities, self-esteem, and outlook on life. Inspiration consequently affects your self-esteem, optimism, mastery of work, perceived competence, creativity, and absorption. Allow inspiration to elevate the positive effects of all that you do, and lower the negative effects to conclude your days in the positive.
"Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." ~Farrah Gray
CHEERS~ to fulfilling your aspirations...

Monday, December 30, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/31/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am looking forward to new beginnings with a positive perspective and an attitude of gratitude into this new year! I am enthusiastic about my goals, optimistic about my future, and I am enjoying myself on my life's journey! I am practicing better behaviors toward better outcomes and I am motivating better thinking..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4692473

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscover #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Healthful Monday~ 12/30/19

Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth amusing your thoughts with.
“Only fools do not care about their health.”
Your health is of paramount importance, do not wait until your health deteriorates to decide on eating well and to exercise. Strive for a balanced state of well-being, so you can be at your optimal level in every aspect of your life. Value your health to prevent sickness.
“A healthier inside supports an awesome outside.”
Love yourself for a healthier lifestyle. It is your duty to maintain and manage a good healthy mind and body. Having good health is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Remind yourself, your first success of every day is taking care of your mind and body. Investing in your health pays off quicker than any other investment you'll ever make in your life. So, increase your knowledge on what you consume daily, and make a difference in the world starting within your own... that world of a trillion-plus living bacteria and cells coexisting in harmony. Never hesitate on doing what's right for your health because your bliss and peace depend on it!!!!
CHEERS~ to your blissful moments everywhere in between your lessons and wins... 😉

#healthful #healthmatters #healthychoices #nutritional #food

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/30/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am not allowing other people to dilute or poison my day with their negative energy, words or opinions! I am letting today be a great day… I am strong in the truth of my awesomeness and I am adventuring through my days without attachment to the validation of others! I was put on this earth to achieve my greatest self, to live out my purpose, and to do it blissfully with satisfaction! I am here today alive to enjoy with those I adore and cherish while accomplishing to my heart's content..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4680886

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscover #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Gratitude Sunday~ 12/29/19

Gratitude check today!
"Gratitude makes sense of our past through acceptance while bringing peace for today toward envisioning and creating our tomorrow."
Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for bliss as it ignites the fire of joy within our soul. It is the fairest blossom springing from the center of our spirit... and during the moments, when our own light extinguishes, it is rekindled by another's spark. Throughout our own past, we have a cause to deeply think with a loving appreciation of all those who have lit our flame within us.
Gratefulness felt and thankfulness expressed is the beginning of gratitude as it completes thankfulness and concludes gratefulness. Thankfulness may consist of mere words, but gratitude completes the moments with action. Just as well as bliss cannot be consumed, earned, owned, worn or traveled to. Bliss is spiritually experiencing every moment of your livelihood lovingly, joyfully, and graciously with others beyond yourself.
So rise up with thanks, to those who have sacrificed for you, supported you, provided for you, served you, benefited you, given you, entertained you, and died for you.
CHEERS~ to your great life, great day and success continuing...
#gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/29/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am thankful for the wonderful loving memories of my past that brought a smile to my face and laughter to my voice! I am thankful for the memorable interactions and relations that has brought education and adventure into my life as priceless entertainment and experience! I am thankful for celebrating the good times, learning from the bad times, and enjoying myself everywhere in between..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4672664

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscover #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Wellness Saturday~ 12/28/19

Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. I hope this piece of advice helps with better self-care for greater bliss and success for today, tomorrow, and beyond!

Your bliss and success rely on the state of your being healthy in body, mind, and spirit. You deserve a better quality state of being, and that starts with good health. You deserve a fulfilled life and a satisfactory existence! Positively impact your sleep, hygiene, and nutrition for improved wellness. Become more active for a successful existence by deliberately practicing self-awareness toward choosing what's good and right for your health and well-being.

Remind yourself, you deserve to be, feel, and live a livelier lifestyle of more enjoyment and amusement as you continue. 

CHEERS~ to your bliss with the best version of yourself as you're meant to be with your great day continuing~ 

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/28/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am too big of a gift to this world and a blessing to many lives to feel self-pity and depressed! I feel the love of those who are not physically with me because I take pleasure in my own solitude! I am a unique being of this world worth knowing and befriending! I have as much brightness to offer the world as everyone else..."
to continue a greater life!
Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4666033
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscover #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Friday, December 27, 2019

Self Help Friday~ 12/27/19

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse, so, friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of you to greatly benefit! You deserve greater moments for greater days! Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive.

You know you deserve to succeed, so bliss out with your awesome self! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! You can also positively affect loved ones and those you appreciate along your way for greater benefit.

CHEERS~ to a better you for better moments of today toward a better tomorrow!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/27/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I intend for every day moving forward to be filled with amusement, satisfaction, and enjoyment to be more positively beneficial! I am attending to my every moment today and beyond toward creating a more awesome life! I am accepting the past and focusing on a greater future through love..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4654831

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprove . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscover #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Mindful Thursday~ 12/26/19

Use today's Mindful-Amusement share of knowledge to help yourself for the better! You deserve to experience your ideal pleasures, interactions, and adventures. Cultivate self~love within and a lifestyle of optimism because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond negative belief and opinion.

Practice mindfulness by fully being present, aware of where you are and how you are doing, and not overly reactive to all that is going on around you. Fully attend to what’s happening with optimism, to what you’re currently doing with gratitude, to the space you’re moving through with a positive attitude. The world needs your awesomeness, your positive impact, and loving difference for a beneficial change!

You would greatly benefit from the best version of you, so make the best of who you REALLY are! Mindfully do all that positively affects your life for the betterment of your future, and for all who live within your world. You deserve to experience a better existence through memorable adventures and events to continue a greater life you're born to realize.

CHEERS~ to your bliss and success continuing...

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/26/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am loving myself enough to make positive changes in my life for the better! I am caring about myself enough to share and give kindness, respect, and gratitude to others beyond myself! I prefer to be a positive influence, a loving inspiration, and a joyful presence in the lives of those I love and enjoy! I benefit most when I am making a positive difference in the world around me..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4645977

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprovement . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Encouragement Wednesday~ 12/25/19

Encouragement will take you further... take risks for your bliss, for your success, and for your satisfaction! Keep moving forward without regret while focusing on the good stuff, so aim toward feeling much better, doing much better, and enjoying much more.

"Don't allow your setbacks to upset you but rather motivate you to upgrade you... in your thinking, planning, and endeavoring."

You have within your pieces of good news worth sharing with the world. The good news begins with how great you can be beyond measure! How much you can love beyond imagination! What you can accomplish beyond expectation! And what your potential is beyond belief.

Surround yourself with those who support you, encourage you, love you, enjoy you, and respectfully challenges you for the betterment of your future. All that you need to succeed is ready for you to utilize within you!

"Encouraging words shared in private during a time of any undesired outcome is worth more than the praise of success of the desired outcomes shared in public.”

Stay on point as you're meant to succeed and enjoy your life's journey! Continue with faith that everything will work out for the best. CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

#encouragement #empowerment #motivational

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Repeat With Me: I AM (Inspiring, Aspiring & Motivating) Success Every Moment: In The Winter!

Featuring self-talk messages that can help you to:

* Strengthen confidence and self-esteem
* Support self-growth and professional development
* Succeed with relationships (romance, friendships, career, etc.)
* Enhance healthy choices, habits, and lifestyle
* Cultivate respect, optimism, and faith
* Encourage health improvement and sustainability, and
* Enrich personal prosperity and wealth

Use these self-communicating messages within and guide yourself to be the best ideal "YOU" that you have been yearning to be! Reprogram your inner dialogue with proven self-communication scripts that assists you in taking control of your life and your destiny.

Self~nourish here: https://www.amazon.com/Repeat-Me-Inspiring-Aspiring-Motivating/dp/057849356X

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/25/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am better off when I am giving warm embraces to others beyond those I love openly, respectfully, and graciously! I am better off when I am giving everyone around me appreciation and encouragement when needed! I am better off when I act from the heart with goodness and loving affection..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4636917

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprovement . #happiness  #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~


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See for yourself. I love it! 

Inspiration Tuesday~ 12/24/19

I am sharing this bit of inspiration today to benefit your ideal direction. Propel from apathy to possibility and transform how you perceive your own capabilities. Don't be eluded from inspiration... encourage inspiration to help with your circumstances, outcomes, results, and situations. Activate your inspiration within and seek to capture it by manipulating your settings to feel it.

Be open to spontaneously evoke inspiration. Allow yourself to transcend limitations and self-serving concerns with awareness and clarity of new possibilities. Strive to express and transmit your new ideas and vision into actualization. Be an inspired person open to new experiences, and absorb inspiration in your tasks, endeavors, adventures, and so on. Perceive subjects for its intrinsic value in the pursuit of a stronger drive to master your work with a less competitive nature.

Reprogram your belief system to positively impact your abilities, self-esteem, and a lifestyle. Inspiration consequently affects your self-esteem, optimism, mastery of work, perceived competence, creativity, and absorption. Allow inspiration to elevate the positive effects of all that you do, and lower the negative effects.

CHEERS~ to fulfilling your aspirations...

Monday, December 23, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/24/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I have the courage, confidence, and desire to better my world beginning with me! I have the power within me to attend my every moment with a positive attitude and outlook for better outcomes! I am making each day count no matter where I am, who I am with, what I am doing, and how I am achieving it! I am taking responsibility for bettering my moments, days, weeks, months, and years..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4630478
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate . #empower #positive #affirmation . #selfimprovement . #happiness #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfheal #selfdevelop #selfmaster #selfrespect . #healthful~

Healthful Monday~ 12/23/19

Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth amusing your thoughts with.
"A better you today earns a better tomorrow!"
Here to assist you for self-care for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. Everything you do with every emotion you feel affects your health and well-being. In the same way, your well-being and health directly affect your actions and how you feel and behave. Your mind, body, and spirit are universally connected and deeply involve one another.
The high level of physical stress, mental anxiety, and other damaging emotions affect your body, resulting in inflammation, illnesses, ailments, and diseases. Your physical pains and mental displeasure reflect in your emotions and therefore a detriment to your well-being and social life. Decide to positively upgrade your wellness to enjoy a better version of you, to live an amusing fulfilled lifestyle, and to optimize your life's potential to lovingly impact all areas of your life.
So, educate yourself with health knowledge. Learn what energizes you for the better! CHEERS~ to your blissful moments everywhere in between your lessons and wins... 😉
#healthful #healthmatters #healthychoices #nutritional #food

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/23/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am hopeful for a much better and brighter future I continue to look forward to enjoying! I believe with faith, optimism, and gratitude that it is all working out for me for the better! I am not letting myself down by continuing with love and a positive attitude..." 

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4622945

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Gratitude Sunday~ 12/22/19

Gratitude check today! 

"A common practice worth your effort daily lies in your empowerment of extracting amusement and appreciation from within while doing common things."

Embrace an attitude of gratitude to bring a sense of peace and the idea that you deserve the gifts and blessings you've been given. Empower yourself to make life mean so much more for you. Ask yourself... What if I make gratitude a perpetual daily feeling for more than just the big things, memorable interactions, and eventful moments?

Despite your circumstances, you can improve every single area of your life. There is evidence to suggest that being grateful, you can actually bring more things into your life to be grateful for. The universe pays attention whenever you express the feeling of gratitude, as it responds by providing you with more worth being grateful for. That is how awesome the magic of gratitude can be! So, what are you grateful for?

CHEERS~ to your great life, great day and success continuing...

#gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/22/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am supporting the giving of kind words and a smile toward bettering my days! I am supporting the giving of appreciation and love toward bettering my weeks! I am supporting the giving of compliments and courtesy along my way toward bettering the world around me! I am supporting the giving of warm greetings to the people around me! I am supporting the assistance I can provide to others..." 

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4616897

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Wellness Saturday~ 12/21/19

Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. I hope this piece of advice helps with better self-care for greater bliss and success for better moments today into an ideal tomorrow because you deserve to enjoy that much better!

Elevate your wellness for the kind of lifestyle of better mental and spiritual well-being that uplifts your soul, mindset, and physicality for the better. Positively affirm good health within and believe in what you desire for yourself with an attitude of gratitude. Consciously self-direct toward achieving your full potential because you deserve greater bliss, success, and satisfaction.

Disallow yourself from giving in to any temporary problematic ailments of some form or another at whatever degree of pain and annoyance you're acknowledging at the moment. We're all mentally irritated throughout moments of our existence, so empower through because you deserve to live a blissful fulfilled life!

This is my reasoning revolving around the investment of your health education, so one may learn more about what energizes them to actively continue on their desired path of bliss and satisfaction.

CHEERS~ to your bliss with the best version of yourself as you're meant to be as a great day continues~

Friday, December 20, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/21/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am refusing to feed fear, worry, and anxiety my time and energy! I rather feed joy, bliss, and amusement my time, energy, and efforts! I know my mind, body, and soul is better with love and peace! I am doing what is positively necessary of me..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4610818

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Self Help Friday~ 12/20/19

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse, so, friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of you to greatly benefit! You deserve greater moments for greater days! Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive.

You know you deserve to succeed, so bliss out with your awesome self! Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future! You can also positively affect loved ones and those you appreciate along your way for greater benefit.

CHEERS~ to a better you for better moments of today toward a better tomorrow!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/20/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I must not be doubtful about my future! I am succeeding for many good reasons! I must not hesitate with my decisions, actions, and the execution of my plans for success! I am progressing regardless of where I am, who I am with, and what I am doing! I am succeeding for the desired results I seek while I am continuing with faith, gratitude, and optimism..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4603011

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Mindful Thursday~ 12/19/19

Use today's Mindful-Amusement share of knowledge to help yourself for the better!

"Be such a powerful loving presence that even in your absence you positively affect change for the better."

You deserve a better mental lifestyle, so cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy that much better beyond negative belief.

Nourish your mentality good by releasing your bothersome thoughts and allowing the negativity to fade. Think of the good you have within and the blessings you possess. Believe there is so much more for you beyond your physical reach and mental belief! Focus your attention on better experiences occurring throughout your future. Better yourself for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and for your ideal tomorrow.

The world needs your awesomeness, your positive impact, and loving difference for a beneficial change! Make the best of who you REALLY are! You would greatly benefit from the best version of you. Inspire your aspirations and mindfully do all that positively affects your life for the better, and for all who live within your world. You deserve to better your existence through memorable experiences to continue a greater life that you deserve.

CHEERS~ to your bliss and success continuing...

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/19/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am creating my future with the power of my intention! I am consciously acting on my thoughts for the betterment of my life and I am determining my future now! I determine how good my health will be, how harmonious my relationships will be, how blissful I will be, how financially successful I will be, how creative I will be, and how Ioving I will be! I intend to live with absolute goodness..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4595059

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Encouragement Wednesday~ 12/18/19


"It is better to benefit from your conduct for the better versus wasting time and energy worsening for the worse. Refrain from wasting your precious moments and exhausting your energy."

Use this encouragement to boost self-motivation and self-determination to your ideal success. Empower through until satisfied! Surpass every one of your challenges and obstacles. Don't limit yourself to how greatly awesome you can be, how much more you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it! You have the power to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain.

Keep moving forward without regret while focusing on the good stuff! Take risks for your bliss, for your success, and for your satisfaction! Surround yourself with the kind of people who support you, who encourage you, who love you, who enjoys you, and who respectfully challenges you for the better. Do whatever is necessary of yourself to bring forth bliss and joy from within for the best version of yourself! So aim toward feeling much better, doing much better, and enjoying much more. So stay on point as you're meant to succeed and enjoy your life's journey!

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

#encouragement #empowerment #motivational

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/18/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I have faith in my journey moving forward! I have trust in my decisions looking ahead! I believe in my reasons to continue proceeding on! I am optimistic about my outcomes and I am enthusiastic about what's coming my way..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4585623

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Inspiration Tuesday~ 12/17/19

I am sharing this bit of inspiration today to assist in bettering your attitude, emotions, and perspective to benefit you in your ideal direction. To assist you in determining at what level and degree will your awesomeness be today as you continue on your own path. To assist you in living beyond survival, thriving on love, and striving for joyful memories. You deserve to continue for greater days, for greater weeks, and greater months for a great year. It's your precious life, so leave your past behind for a better future you deserve!

Inspire yourself into action today just as I am doing! Live through your interests, passions, and hobbies to help bring out the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. You know it could be worse, so remind yourself how much better you can enjoy it to be and to have it as such until your heart's content! Enjoy all that you can while positively affecting your life. Move forward for the better over the worse regardless of your past, and empower through as you deserve to continue.

CHEERS~ to the fulfillment of your aspirations as your success continues...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/17/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am caring for myself much better toward a greater and better version of me! I am putting more effort into caring about my world and my environment for a greater and better future! I deserve a healthier and happier fulfilled life worth sharing with friends and family alike! I am making a positive difference I can be proud of..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4575581
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Healthful Monday~ 12/16/19

"You deserve better moments of today for an appreciative yesterday as you create your ideal tomorrow! You deserve to enjoy every day that much more with those you love!"

Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with, as you'll surely achieve and accomplish more with a healthier better version of yourself. Make a positive difference in your life! You deserve greater bliss and fulfillment~ so, self-improve your overall well-being toward positively affecting those you love as well. Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes!

Check out this bit of information provided to better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. Invest in your education by increasing your knowledge regarding your health. Learn more about what energizes you as you continue moving forward! This is just some info to assist you towards the better.

CHEERS~ to your bliss everywhere in between your lessons and wins...

#healthful #healthtip #healthmatters #healthcoaching #healthychoices #mindfulliving #nutritional #food

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/16/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am welcoming positive change everywhere I go with everything I do with everyone I am with! I am welcoming love wherever I am with whomever I am with through every way I can and through everything I am doing! I am open to receiving, sharing, and giving all that is good within me and beyond me for a better future! I continue to look forward to the greater positive outcomes..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4566046

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Gratitude Sunday~ 12/15/19

"Move forward with an attitude of gratitude and you'll surely receive more worth your gratefulness at a higher emotional altitude." 

Gratitude check today! This reminder of gratitude here is to mindfully assist you beyond me. You've given thanks, expressed appreciation, and have felt grateful for much of your past. There is no doubt that you have so much more to look forward to beyond today! So, what are you thankful for and grateful for? Not just for today, but of this past week this month and of this year! Remind yourself to look forward to more of the same!

When you're in a grateful loving present state within your own life, then you'll surely attract others similarly in a state of emotional good, as the saying goes, "Like attracts like!" So, continue positively emphasizing on thriving on the good stuff! Empower your will to design your future and empower love to create your circumstances and situations. Make the best of the gifted present time frame because it matters to you.

Enjoy your blessings within and all that you have. Until next time, positively look ahead to a noteworthy future as you continue thriving~

CHEERS~ to your great life, great day and success continuing...

#gratitude #selfawareness #thankful #blessed #quote

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/15/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I am grateful for this day today! I am grateful that I have more opportunities to enjoy myself! I am grateful to those who are not harming others, to those who are not negatively affecting others, and to those who are not worsening the world! I am grateful to those who positively affect others, to those who thrive on the goodness of themselves, and to those who strive to better the world around themselves! I am grateful for the inspiration, empowerment, and encouragement that I receive wherever I go! I am moving forward with gratitude..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4559025

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Wellness Saturday~ 12/14/19

Disallow yourself from giving in to any temporary problematic ailments of some form or another at whatever degree of pain and annoyance you're acknowledging at the moment. We're all mentally irritated throughout moments of our existence. So, empower through because you deserve to live a blissful fulfilled life!

Consciously self-direct toward achieving your full potential. Elevate your wellness for the kind of lifestyle of better mental and spiritual well-being that uplifts your soul, mindset, and physicality for the better. Positively affirm good health within and believe in what you desire for yourself with an attitude of gratitude. This is my reasoning revolving around the investment in your health education, so one may learn more about what energizes them to actively continue on their desired path.

Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. Hope this piece of advice helps with better care for your health and well-being for better moments today and an ideal tomorrow because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~

CHEERS~ to your bliss and best version of yourself as you're meant to be with your great day continuing~

Friday, December 13, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/14/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I can do things differently for better outcomes, and I can alter my circumstances for the better! I have the power to achieve and accomplish the results that I desire to experience! I am making positive changes for the success I desire to attain! I am succeeding..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4553302

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Self Help Friday~ 12/13/19

Keep empowering through until satisfaction is achieved as your great life continues~ Move forward on a foundation of better beliefs for better results from better thoughts. Strive confidently for all that you desire in your future. A better quality version of you can go beyond survival mode to thrive. So be the better version of yourself with a better attitude and a better outlook for a better future!

You deserve greater moments for greater days! Your success depends on you and no one else. You know you deserve to succeed, so bliss out with your awesome self, and you can positively affect loved ones and those you appreciate along your way for greater benefit.

Here is a little something of self-help today to assist you for the better over the worse, so, friendly remind yourself to move forward with a better quality self version of you for you to benefit the most!

CHEERS~ to a better you for better moments of today toward a better tomorrow!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/13/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:


"I deserve a life free of violence and abuse! I continue to work hard and I have sacrificed plenty for a better future! I am strong enough, good enough, and powerful enough to make positive changes in my life that benefit me for the better! I did not make it this far to give up, to quit, or give in to a negative life! I am thriving on the positive, the love, and the joy..."

to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4545678

#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Mindful Thursday~ 12/12/19

Nourish your mind by emptying your mind for peace and relaxation! Take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment, then take another deep breath again and smile. Release your bothersome thoughts and allow the negativity to fade. Think of the good you have within and the blessings you possess. Don't stress and know there is much more for you beyond mental belief! Bring your attention to better experiences occurring throughout your livelihood throughout every awakened present moment of your blessed life. There is much more for better moments of today, for an appreciative yesterday, and for an ideal tomorrow.

The world needs your awesomeness, positive impact, and loving difference for beneficial changes! Make the best of who you REALLY are! You must greatly benefit firstly and lastly from the best version of you. Aspire and mindfully do what positively affects your life. Come about towards the development of a better existence through the betterment of your own education and experiences. Improve on your self-management.

Use today's Mindful-Amusement share of knowledge to help for the better! You deserve a better mindset and lifestyle, so cultivate self~love within because you deserve to be, live, and enjoy.

CHEERS~ to your bliss continuing...

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/12/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am having better conversations with myself! I am using positive self-talk and empowering affirmations to support the better version of myself! I am supporting, encouraging, motivating, and empowering myself much better than ever before! I am supporting a better version of myself..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4536795
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Encouragement Wednesday~ 12/11/19

"Enliven your soul and free your brilliance! Enrich your thoughts and release your motivation! Live your excitement and enjoy your aspiratio_ns as you deserve bliss and joy!"
Keep moving forward without regret while focusing on the good stuff! Take risks for your bliss, for your success, and for yourself! Surround yourself with the kind of people who support you, who encourage you, who love you, who enjoy you, and who respectfully challenge you for the better. Do whatever is necessary of yourself to bring forth bliss and joy from within for the best version of yourself! So aim toward feeling much better, doing much better, and enjoying much more.
Use this bit of encouragement to help boost self-motivation and self-determination to your ideal success. Empower through upon your own path forging forward and surpassing each and every one of your challenges and obstacles. Don't limit yourself to how greatly awesome you can be, how much more you can enjoy, and how much better you can have it! Empower to accomplish, achieve, and receive all the good, great, and better you set out to attain. Stay on point and enjoy your life's journey!
CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/11/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am living my life with no regrets! I am moving on optimistically toward great experiences, grand adventures, and awesome relationships! I am moving on enthusiastically toward awesome memories, grand moments, and great interactions! I am open to receiving inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment for the betterment of my future..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4527585
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Inspiration Tuesday~ 12/10/19

Determine at what level and degree will your awesomeness be today while paving your own path. Live beyond survival, thrive on love, and strive for joyful memories. It's your precious life, so leave your past behind for a better future you deserve! Live through your interests, passions, and hobbies to help bring out the best version of yourself for greater successful outcomes. You know it could be worse, so remind yourself how much better you can enjoy it to be, have it as such, and do as you please to your heart's content! 

Enjoy all that you can while positively affecting your life. Move forward for the better over the worse regardless of your past, and empower through as you deserve to continue. I am sharing this bit of inspiration today to get your attitude, emotions, and perspective benefiting you in your ideal direction. Inspire yourself into action today just as I am doing! You deserve to continue for greater days, for greater weeks, and greater months for a great year.

CHEERS~ to your success continuing...

Monday, December 9, 2019

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/10/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am positively looking forward to the betterment of my future beyond the end of this year! I am creating my life with changes in many positive ways going into next year! I have many blessings within me to enjoy and share with others! I am positively looking forward to receiving the many advancements in my spiritual, emotional, and financial growth coming my way..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4519112
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Healthful Monday~ 12/09/19

Make a positive difference in your life! You deserve greater bliss and fulfillment~ so, self-improve your overall well-being toward positively affecting those you love as well. Self-care toward supporting a healthier mind and body in support of achieving and accomplishing further in your successes! Remind yourself that, "I deserve better moments of today for an appreciative yesterday as I create my ideal tomorrow! I deserve to enjoy every day that much more with those I love!"
Check out this bit of information provided for you today, and learn more about what energizes you as you continue moving forward! This is just some info to assist you towards the better. Today's Healthful-Amusement share worth reviewing and considering to amuse your thoughts with, as you'll surely achieve and accomplish more with a healthier better version of yourself. I am simply here assisting you with better self-care for healthier decisions and healthier choices for a healthier lifestyle not just for yourself, but to positively affect those you care about. Invest in your education by increasing your knowledge regarding your health.
CHEERS~ to your bliss everywhere in between your lessons and wins... 😉

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/09/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am devoting more of my time and effort into my best self! I am investing in a great effort with my interests, in my bliss, and on my satisfaction! I am exercising appreciation toward attracting many opportunities to enjoy myself doing what pleases me regardless of where I am and who I am with..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4510338
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Gratitude Sunday~ 12/08/19

Gratitude check today!
"Be such a grateful loving presence within your own life that others treat you as such."
Another week of thriving on the good stuff! You have the power to better your life. You have the power of will to design your future and you have the power of love to create your circumstances combining a chain of memorable and joyful situations. Enjoy yourself and make the best of the gifted present time frame serve your interests moment-in and moment-out because it matters to you.
This reminder of gratitude here is to mindfully assist you beyond me. A reminder of your blessings within and the added bonus of all that you have currently outside of yourself. There is no doubt that you have plenty to look forward to beyond today! Just as there is so much worth your thankfulness, there is so many deserving of your gratefulness. So, what are you thankful for and grateful for? Not just for today, but of this past week this month and of this year! Remind yourself of all that you are grateful for as you look forward to more of the same!
Until next time, move forward positively looking ahead to a noteworthy future as you continue thriving~
CHEERS~ to your great life, great day, and success continuing...

Self~Empowerment: Today’s Positive Statement- 12/08/19~

Today’s self-empowering statement to positively affect yourself:
"I am allowing myself to do more of what is right for my mind, body, and soul! I am doing more of what comes naturally to me toward feeling good, thinking good, and being good! I am the better I feel, think, and do with others beyond myself! I am open to receiving more of the good stuff into my reality..."
to continue a greater life!

Source: https://repeat-with-me-i-am-success.mn.co/posts/4503399
#empowering #motivationalquote . #positivethinking #selftalk . #positiveaffirmation . #inspire #aspire . #motivate #success . #empower #positive #affirmation . #goodlife #selfimprovement . #happiness #life #selfcare . #positiveattitude #gratitude . #selflove #selfesteem #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #selfmotivation #selfawareness #selfhelp #selfconfidence #selfworth #selfhealing #selfdevelopment #selfmastery #selfrespect . #healthful . #positivepsychology #mentalhealth #assistance . #mindfulness~

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Wellness Saturday~ 12/07/19

You deserve to live and enjoy a blissful fulfilled life! Consciously self-direct toward achieving your full potential. Elevate your wellness for the kind of lifestyle of better mental and spiritual well-being that uplifts your soul, mindset, and physicality for the better. Positively affirm good health within and believe in what you desire for yourself with an attitude of gratitude.
Disallow yourself in giving in to any temporary problematic ailments of some form or another at whatever degree of pain and annoyance you're acknowledging at the moment. We're all mentally irritated throughout moments of our existence. This is my reasoning revolving around the investment in your health education, so one may learn more about what energizes them to actively continue on their desired path!
Here is today's wellness assistance to improve yourself for a healthier well-being. Hope this piece of advice helps with better care for your health and well-being for better moments today and for an ideal tomorrow because you deserve to be that much better as the world needs you~
CHEERS~ to your bliss and best version of yourself as you're meant to be as your great day continues~