Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 02/02/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

“I must continue, I want to continue, I am continuing to succeed not just for myself, but for those who have sacrificed, suffered, and supported me. I am continuing for us and I am succeeding for us. I am continuing because it matters, because I matter and because they matter.”

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 02/01/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am choosing satisfaction from bliss over suffering from stress. I am choosing to benefit more from feeling blessed over feeling stressed. I rather be feeling blissful versus stressful! I am choosing the healthier and much more beneficial route for my success, happier endings, and peace."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Positive Self-Talk~ 01/31/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am open to receiving and looking forward to the hints, clues, recommendations, and shared information to help me realize my ideas and solutions in the flesh. I am optimistic in the direction I am going and I continue to attract resources, assistance, and guidance for the realization of my success. I have faith and trust in the processes, progress, and the path that I am on."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Positive Self-Talk~ 01/30/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am in a better position when I replace negative influences with positive influences and bad experiences with good experiences. I am in better situations when I replace bad behavior with good behavior and negative communication with positive communication. I am a better person when I replace a negative attitude with a positive attitude and negative thinking with positive thinking. I look forward to replacing the bad with the good and the negative with the positive for better living."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/29/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I continue choosing to be a positive influence over negative. I continue choosing to be a person of value, of good worth, and of benefit. I continue choosing to benefit from love over hate, joy over anger, bliss over sadness, and satisfaction over suffering. I am choosing pleasure over pain to continue a greater life."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Friday, January 26, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/28/18 

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am positively focusing upon the purpose I bring with me where I go, with who I am with, and with what I am doing for good mutual benefit with hope for win-win situations. I am positively replacing the negative with the positive with intentions and hope of providing value where I go and who I am with. I am determined not to waste a day as my success continues."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Positive Self-Talk~ 01/27/18 

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am supporting those truths that positively affect my life, improve my circumstances, and help me to be a better person. I am sharing and communicating the good truths that inspire, aspire, and motivate me to feel, think, and behave better. I am encouraging myself to exercise, practice, and emphasize the good effective truths to be that much better than yesterday."

Cheers~ to your success continuing... 

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Positive Self-Talk~ 01/26/18 

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I am choosing the positive healthier route of thinking by wanting it better than bad enough, but good enough. I am choosing the positive healthier style of working and serving others by going beyond working hard, but working and serving greatly smartly. I choose to take it a step further beyond playing hard, but smartly playing greatly and wisely with purpose, passion, and compassion with good sportsmanship."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/25/18 

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I desire better opportunities and better circumstances so I am positioning myself to create better opportunities, better situations, and better moments. I desire better outcomes and results so I am taking action upon my goal setting, planning, and execution beyond daydreaming. I am satisfying my thoughts, my emotions, and my state of being because I am meant to with the right to continue doing so."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Positive Self-Talk 01/24/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:

"I know I am blessed with success and I continue appreciating my sacrifices, struggles, hardships, and challenges that brought me this far in my life at my age. I continue appreciating the sacrifices and support others have endured and provided on my behalf. I am continuing motivated and determined to achieve and accomplish greater success not just for myself, but for them."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/23/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am reminding myself to continue positively sharing good emotional content with others en route to my successful outcomes, my achievements, and my accomplishments. I am ignoring the pessimistic attitude and behavior of others and I am reminding myself to neglect the negative energy projecting from others en route to ideal situations and circumstances."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/22/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:   

"Just when thoughts of quitting and giving up crept into the forefront of my thoughts without invite... I honed in on my reasons to inspire myself to continue, aspire myself to keep going, and motivate myself to proceed until I succeed. I know it is entirely up to me to be enthusiastically the best version of me to truly succeed throughout my life's journey!"

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/21/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am appreciative of the experiences I gain from the results and outcomes I achieve regardless of their effects during the present moment. I try to comprehend and learn from my bad experiences for invaluable education, and remember the good ones worth sharing to assist others. I am focusing on enthusiasm for win-win situations to benefit my growth, improvement, development, and most importantly my esteem."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/20/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am thriving on all the good that I've done, and I am willing to do things different when I desire for positive change in my life. I am willing and capable of making changes to positively affect my future when feel it to be necessary. I am thankful for all that I have, and I am grateful for all that is coming as I need them."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/19/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am patiently waiting for good things to come, to happen, and to positively affect my life everywhere in between. I am taking action for greater and better things in the meantime while waiting for all that good to occur throughout my life's journey. I continue appreciatively succeeding forward while appreciatively learning from my losses and enjoying my gains."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/18/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"My life is better when I believe in pursuing my dreams and taking action in the direction of my goals toward making them come true. My life is better when I am positively focusing my progress toward my bliss while sharing my successes with those who support me and believe in me. My life is better when I positively believe and support a better future, a blissful self, and joyful state of moments from one to the next."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/16/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I continue to attract good beneficial outcomes when I just go about my way and just optimistically be. I benefit from good situations and interactions when I just lovingly be. I continue to enjoy good events and circumstances when I just joyfully be. I continue to survive my moments and thrive upon good times while striving to enjoy my blessings when I just positively be."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/17/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am through with all the excuses... I am empowering my best life out of me because it is meant to be! I am done with excuses... I am motivating my awesome self because I deserve to be! I am ridding excuses... I am exciting beneficial ideas to act on to benefit my life because that's how I desire it to be! I am not accepting excuses... I am inspiring my imagination and aspiring my success because that's how it should be!"

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/15/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:   

"I am trusting the processes of faith and having faith in the timing of my desired progress and successes while I graciously continue with optimism for the outcomes I desire to attract! I am not resisting what is meant to be while I continue with hope and optimism for all that  will be for the better eventually. I am going to be as positive as I can be for the blissful conclusion of my life I am destine to realize for myself and to share with others."

Cheers~ to your success continuing... 

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/14/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am determined for so much more of the abundance beyond what is surrounding me. I succeeded surviving this long from birth, so I am continuing graciously succeeding further as I am meant to. I am making it a point from here forward to do more beyond surviving, enjoy abundantly beyond thriving, and adventure further beyond my comfort zone of reasons."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/13/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"If it's exciting me then I am bothering with it for experiences worthwhile reminiscing. If it's motivating me then I am bothering with it for mental nourishment worthwhile feeding. If it's inspiring me then I am bothering with it for interests worthwhile encouraging. If it's entertaining me then I am bothering with it for events worthwhile enjoying. If it's supporting me then I am bothering with it for resources worthwhile sharing. If it's empowering me then I am bothering with it for good emotional content worthwhile boosting."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/12/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am being better from thriving on thinking better. I am thinking better from thriving on learning better. I am learning better from thriving on wanting better. I am wanting better from thriving on drinking and eating better. I am drinking and eating better from thriving on believing better. I am believing better from thriving on enjoying better. I am enjoying better from thriving on just being my best self, my truest self, that self of me that desires to be blessed and bliss."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/11/18 

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I know I am blessed with this present gifted moment to be adventurous, to bliss, to be pleased, to enjoy, and to be awesome. I am faithful to being grateful! I know I am blessed with this present gifted life to love, to benefit from, to amuse, to play from, to share, to learn from, to celebrate, and to serve from. I am continuing with my positive emotions and thoughts upon a higher altitude in support of my attitude of gratitude!"

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/10/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am reminding myself to continue productively with my blessings, with my bliss, and with my satisfaction. I am reminding myself to be too busy with my joy and happiness that I am not bothering with anything and person negatively. I am playing with my ideas while I am  productively earning my ideal future and serving the best of myself by any positive means that satisfies me as my success continues."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/09/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:   

"Today I am motivating myself to create more positive changes and positive differences that I benefit from through my interactions and relationships. Today I am inspiring myself to influence more positive interactions and relationships for awesome situations and circumstances. Today I am aspiring myself to be much more blissful with my work and service to others and joyful with my passions and interests when I am alone."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/08/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am trying, I am striving, and I am motivating myself to continue positively by refraining from worsening my life through my thinking, my communicating, and my acting. I am refraining from being around negative affecting influences, behaviors, and circumstances regardless of who is involved. I am the change, the difference, and the example of what I desire to positively affect and influence my situations, my environment, and my gifted present moments."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Friday, January 5, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/07/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am thriving on all the good stuff in and around love, the gratitude I strive to awaken with and slumber with, and the bliss I encourage myself to create moment to moment. I am thriving beyond surviving while striving with love at the forefront of my thinking, communicating, and endeavoring moment in moment out. I was born successful and by all good means necessary I continue to survive upon it and thrive upon it while sharing it with others."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/06/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am boldly facing my challenges and I am exciting my emphasis upon the greater benefits of the idealistic outcomes and results I desire to attract. I am committing myself to a greater purpose through my passion of interest for my bliss. I am committed to my bliss from my joy and my success for my life as I deserve to continue."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/05/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"My life is better when I choose to focus more upon the good, the great, and the better stuff I prefer over the bad stuff. My past is better and worthwhile reflecting upon when I culminate good decisions upon great choices upon better thoughts, ideas, and solutions for my life. I am not resisting without doubt and without fear, but with faith, trust, and love."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/04/18

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am motivating myself and commiting to that favorite interest I enjoy most! That same interest that stirs up all the good positive affecting emotions within me. I am giving my favorite interest a compassionate purpose that makes a positive difference in my life and in the lives of others. I am proceeding forward positively while progressing aggressively until satisfaction is achieved."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide  

Monday, January 1, 2018

Positive Self-Talk~ 01/03/18  

A positive affecting affirmation to help yourself:  

"I am thinking differently if that is what it takes to have a much more positive mentality. I am communicating differently if that is what it takes to have many more positive relationships. I am acting differently if that is what it takes to attain much more positive benefits. I am behaving differently if that is what it takes to have much more positive situations. I am eating and drinking differently if that is what it takes to enjoy a much more positive lifestyle. I am sharing and giving differently if that is what it takes to live a much more positive life."

Cheers~ to your success continuing...  

Edward F. T. Charfauros, Author & Life Guide